Blacklight Retribution - Aimbot & Recoil Hack
Just updated the hack now it should be up and running again :)
DAILY DOWNLOAD LIMIT:- We Are Offering 20 Downloads Per Day.
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All offers are free and take only around 2-3 minutes to complete.So If you are really need this ,then hit the download button ,If you don't really need it please leave this website.(Thanks for understanding.)
Aimbot :-Visibility Checks
-Aim Styles (Off, When firing, Full auto)
-Targeting Styles (Closest Target, Closest to crosshair, Highest Threat, Lowest Health, etc.)
-SlowAim (Off, On) (+ Configurable slow aim speed)
-AimAngle (Off, On) (+ Configurable autoaim rotation angle)
-AutoFire (Off, On)
-FriendlyFire (Off, On)
Accuracy :
-Perfect NoRecoil.
-Perfect NoShake.
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